Sunday, March 3, 2013

Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us

Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us
Linda Christensen

This article is so hard for me to write about because I am totally torn on the issue. When I was a little girl and still to this day, I love the Disney Movies. I was always taught that they were not real, just fairy tales. I am sure when I was little I would say “ I want to be a princess like Cinderella.” My daughter is 3 and she absolutely loves all the Disney Princess’s. At 3 years old she really doesn’t understand the whole concept.  So now every time she is playing dress up or wanted to watch one of the movies I am going to be thinking about this “Secret Education.”
Since I was torn between whether or not I agree, or disagree with this article, I decided to read some other blogs. Nicole’s blog really stood out to me.  She wrote a reflection on this article and titled it “A prison for your mind.”  I have never taken critical theory so I am a little confused on the whole concept but I would like to pull this quote from her blog. “ After taking this class you are forced to see things that shape society and you as a individual, when in reality you’re not really an individual at all…. All in all though, you determine what you want yourself to see, if you want to remain ignorant or accept awareness of these things.” This stood out to me because the whole time I was reading this article I was thinking to myself, I am aware of what they are saying and how they are comparing it to these movies and shows we have all been exposed to but I think they are looking into it way to much. Now I am thinking that maybe I am just being ignorant to this “secret education” because personally these issues have never affected me. Reading about this issue on Nicole’s blog gives me a better understanding because she says that the fairy tales she watched growing up affected her.

Points to share: I am still trying to figure out if I agree with this article because at such young ages we don’t understand this stuff. Once we get to the age where we do understand I feel like the society is a way worse. The video that Nicole posted about the media’s manipulative influence was a really good video. Pop culture is way worse then Disney Movies!


  1. I liked your blog Alicia! I agree, its hard to say I totally agree with the author because I grew up watching Disney movies too, and I loved them. I guess we just have to be aware of the fact that they COULD be influencing the way kids will see the world later. I love Disney too, so I agree its hard to pick a side.

  2. You are so right i was the same way i do not know whether to agree or not, some of the ideas in the article i agreed on but some i was unsure about. But i think about my niece Izabella who just turned 2 years old and she watches these movies but she really does not know all the meaning behind it until she gets to our age. I also liked your video on Gender stereotyping colored people, because its so true when kids see this they think that is what really black people are all about that's not rue, they are so much better than that.

  3. This is a hard one! I understand what the author is trying to get at, and how cartoons have an impact on children's lives. Though, when I was a little girl I would never pick out the things we can now as adults, so I don't think disney shows are really putting a bad influence on children.

  4. I totally agree, I love the Disney movies. It was really hard to hear such negative things about them because I was also taught that they were just fairy tales. I focused on the morals that these movies portray rather than the hidden images and messages. It is almost like a balancing act, you do not want to take away something that is so important to many young children (the movies) but you do not want them growing up feeling bad about how they look, act, dress etc. I think that parents and teachers need to explain and teach children that it is okay if you do look like that but it is okay if you do not look like the princesses.
